LifeWave X39 Patches: Where To Put On The Body

The LifeWave X39 patch is an innovative product designed to harness your body's natural healing powers through the stimulation of stem cells. Using phototherapy, the X39 patch promises to enhance your overall health by supporting the body's ability to repair and rejuvenate cells. While these patches can be effective regardless of their placement on the body, certain locations have been identified through research as being particularly beneficial. This guide dives into the specifics of these placements, ensuring you get the most out of your LifeWave experience.

The Science Behind LifeWave X39

Before diving into placement, let’s understand what makes the X39 patch so unique. The patch is designed to elevate a copper peptide known to activate stem cell activity. This activation aids in various bodily functions such as increasing collagen production, enhancing antioxidant effects, and reducing inflammation. By optimizing the location of the patch, you can maximize these benefits.

Optimal X39 Placement Areas

1. Base of the Neck (C7 Vertebra)

Placing the X39 patch at the base of the neck, near the C7 vertebra, targets the central nervous system and major blood vessels. This placement may help in enhancing neurological functions and improving overall energy flow. It’s particularly useful for those seeking relief from neurological pain or looking to improve cognitive function.

2. Just Below the Belly Button

The area just below the belly button is traditionally associated with the body’s center of gravity and is crucial in Eastern medicine. Placing the patch here can stimulate the body’s core, enhancing cellular communication and increasing vitality. This spot is ideal for boosting general wellness and supporting digestive health.

Specialized Applications

Direct Application on Points of Pain

For localized pain or specific injuries, the X39 patch can be applied directly to the affected area. This method allows the phototherapy to work directly where it's most needed, potentially speeding up the healing process. However, always ensure that the skin is not broken or irritated.

Instructions for Use

  • Apply in the Morning: For best results, apply the patch to clean, dry skin first thing in the morning.

  • Wear Duration: Each patch should be worn for up to 12 hours.

  • Hydration: Stay well hydrated while using the patch to enhance its effectiveness.

  • Skin Health: Do not place the patch on broken or irritated skin.

  • Frequency: It’s recommended to use a new patch each day for consistent benefits.

Safety and Cautions

  • Discomfort or Irritation: Remove the patch immediately if discomfort or skin irritation occurs.

  • External Use Only: Do not ingest the patch, and avoid using it on wounds or damaged skin.

  • Consult Healthcare Providers: If you have a health condition or are pregnant/nursing, consult a health professional before use.

The LifeWave X39 patch offers a unique approach to natural health and wellness by harnessing the power of light to stimulate stem cells. Proper placement can significantly enhance its effectiveness, particularly when patches are placed at the base of the neck or just below the belly button. By following the guidelines provided, users can maximize the potential benefits of their LifeWave X39 experience.


Q: What are the benefits of using the LifeWave X39 patch? A: The LifeWave X39 patch utilizes new technology that stimulates the skin with low levels of light. This leads to improved energy flow, which supports a range of benefits including:

  • Improved exercise performance and recovery.

  • Enhancements in strength and stamina.

  • Support for overall health and well-being.

  • It operates without the use of drugs or stimulants and relies on a patented method to achieve these results.

Q: How do LifeWave Phototherapy Patches work?
A: LifeWave patches work by harnessing your body’s natural heat in the infrared spectrum. When placed on the skin, the patches trap this infrared energy and reflect it back into the body. This process stimulates specific points on the skin associated with different health benefits. Each type of LifeWave patch is designed to target a unique set of points, promoting a specific state of health and activity that enhances your overall wellness.

Q: How often should I replace my LifeWave X39 patch?
A: It’s best to use a new patch every day, applying it to a different location if the previous spot shows any signs of irritation.

Q: Can I wear the patch while sleeping?
A: Yes, but it is generally recommended to apply it in the morning and wear it throughout the day for up to 12 hours.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for using the X39 patch?
A: The product is not intended for use on children and should be used by adults or under adult supervision.


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LifeWave X39 Giveaway