What people are saying.

  • "My scars have noticeably lightened"

    “I've been using the X39® for the past couple of weeks using the recommended placements. I have 2 scars under and next to my belly button… Where I've been placing the X39® and below the belly button has noticeably lightened. I have great appreciation for X39®.”

    — Sergio Eapinoza

  • "Within 60 Seconds The Pain Was Almost Gone"

    “My testimonial with the X39® is especially the quick healing of 3 scratches while doing the garden. I think I will see more change on my skin over the months with the X39® (Sun spots among others). I have uses patches for 11 years and I have a very good diet. Now most people have health problems and pain, the testimonials are eloquent and great. A big future with the X39®.”

    — Michael Kongsbak Jonasson

  • "My Knee is a lot better"

    “For 6 months I have had right knee trouble and some minor pain. It was getting better slowly. I put the X39® patch directly on the knee and I can verify that it is a lot better. I am still putting it on. Thank you ever so much for X39®.”

    - Pernille Knudtzon

  • “Increased Skin Suppleness"

    “In my twenties I spent a lot of time in the sun and the front of my lower thighs have had rougher skin as a result. I don’t think I am imagining this, but I have started to notice the skin is becoming more elastic and smooth. It feels like the right amount of oil is in my skin. It is hard to describe. I can even see in my forearms the skin elasticity has increased and skin on my hands appears more supple.”

    — Angela Kilic-Cave

  • "I don't wake up groggy anymore!”

    “Ever since I can remember as a child, I've always been a "sleep hog". In other words, if I had the opportunity to sleep 9-10 hours a night, I'd easily do that! I used X39®, I noticed a profound depth of sleep that was "new" to me. I notice that I am consistently waking up before my alarm. That almost NEVER happened in the past. I've been waking up each morning alert and ready to go! No more grogginess. Wow! For me that is a miracle!.”

    - Karen Kan

  • ' Really happy'

    “I’ve been in Europe on a biking tour (270 miles) from Prague to Budapest. Just got back last week. I have had some minor aches and pains in my lower back/hip since last Thanksgiving. I was concerned how my back was going to get during the biking trip and it didn’t bother me at all other than tightness. It was one of our favourite trips. So I was really happy I didn’t have back/hip issues!

    - Christine Tessereau

  • "More energy and natural day rhythm"

    “After X39®: Feeling a lot of energy. I never run. I don’t like running. Suddenly I feel an urge to run 2-3 kilometres (to me that’s really a long run) in the middle of my summer vacation and jump into the sea and swim afterwards. That never happened before. Furthermore, my day rhythm has changed. I’m much more awake and clear during the day and I fall asleep at night. It’s a huge change to me. I’m very excited about the future with X39®.”

    - Hannah Maimin Weil

  • "My catabolic state shortened"

    “I must share with you my experience with X39®! I always - during the tests like this - push myself to the limits, as you know I work-out few days a week. I do push-ups (75reps), I do pull up (60reps), squats (50 reps) and I play badminton once a week. When I started using X39® my catabolic state shortened, I regenerate life! And additionally, I have more energy during the day after badminton. I’ve always had little energy after training. Now the sleep is deeper also! X39® is powerful stuff!”

    - Krzysztof Markowski

  • “My recovery times after training have been nothing short of phenomenal"

    “After using X39® I can honestly say without a doubt that it works! I'm a competitive cyclist as well as a busy husband and dad that works every day. Ever since I started using X39® I've been less tired with higher mental awareness with less physical and mental fatigue. My recovery times after training have been nothing short of phenomenal. With a faster recovery time I'm able to push 100% the next day..”

    — Shane

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