AcuLife: Lifewave Patches For Horses

Experience the power of natural pain relief and enhanced well-being for your equine companion with LifeWave AcuLife patches. These innovative patches harness the body's own healing mechanisms to provide a safe and effective alternative to traditional pain medications.

LifeWave AcuLife Patch Prices
$79.95 USD:
Purchase as a one-time only order

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$69.95 USD: Purchase as a monthly subscription and save!

Benefits of LifeWave AcuLife for Horses:

  • Natural Pain Relief: Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and potential side effects. AcuLife offers a gentle and effective way to manage pain and discomfort.

  • Reduced Inflammation: Target the root cause of pain by reducing inflammation and promoting natural healing.

  • Improved Mobility: Help your horse move freely and comfortably, enhancing their quality of life.

  • Stress Reduction: Ease anxiety and promote calmness, especially during travel or competitions.

  • Enhanced Performance: Support optimal athletic performance by improving circulation and overall well-being.

How LifeWave AcuLife Patches Work?

AcuLife patches utilize a combination of light frequencies and microcurrents to gently stimulate acupressure points on your horse's skin. This patented technology promotes improved energy flow, leading to reduced pain and inflammation.

A Holistic Approach to Equine Wellness

LifeWave AcuLife patches are a testament to our commitment to natural healing and animal well-being. By choosing AcuLife, you're providing your horse with a safe, effective, and drug-free path to comfort and vitality.

LifeWave Science-Backed Results

Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of LifeWave AcuLife patches in horses. Research has shown positive outcomes in reducing pain associated with laminitis, alleviating stress during transport, and improving overall well-being.

LifeWave AcuLife Patch Placement Demonstration

Watch this video to learn from Tina Colter, an experienced Equine Therapist how to correctly place the LifeWave patches on your horse.


LiveWave products are for general wellness and intended only to maintain or encourage a general state of health or a healthy activity. The content provide by LifeWave is presented in summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational purposes only. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new health regimen, diet or fitness program. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it. LifeWave reserves the right to change product prices or selection.