How do Lifewave Patches Work? 

Understanding the Science Behind Lifewave Patches

LifeWave non-transdermal patches are phototherapy products that stimulate the skin with light to produce health benefits not obtainable by other approaches. The patches reflect light in the infrared and visible wavelength range to stimulate the body to improve energy production and the flow of energy in the body. Other effects include reduction of pain, reduction of stress, improvement in the duration and quality of sleep, detoxification, reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and many other general health and wellness benefits. The Infrared spectrum of light, which includes all radiations between wavelengths just beyond those of the deepest reds of the visible spectrum (700 nm) up to (100,000+ nm (the microwave range), is established to have multiple effects including pain relief properties (Putowski et al., 2016). The infrared spectrum also creates photobiomodulation when applied to the skin of both animals and humans. Research and application of light therapy dates back thousands of years, and today light therapy is a recognized science with many products that function on this basis having been approved for use in medical applications by governments around the world, including the FDA in the United States.


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Lifewave Ironman Testimonial!